Monday, September 14, 2009

Reflection on my reading book 3

I have finished the book "For One More Day" this week, i've got a kind feeling of understanding from life after reading it. It told me how i should think carefully before we done something that may affect our life, not only the big things and also the "little" things that you don't even care with. Decition making is a such hard thing to do, because you do not know whether it is right to do in this way or that, and you got confuse then the things may go wrong. In the book, The main character Charley made some wrong decitions during his life, which are the things he really regreated with. There was one example is that he left his mom and family on his mom's birthday, and went to the baseball game which his dad told him to. He lied to them that his office called and told him to go as soon as posible, but he did not except that day became his mom's funeran. He thought it was part of his fault, because he thought his mom could be survived if he was there as being the only person who was strong and calm enough to do some emergency. However, during the day he spend with his mom after her death, which means she might be a spirit who come along to help his son when he tried to end up his life. He told the truth of trying on her birthday, but his mom forgived him immediately. There are too much good things in this book which i can talk about, but the ending of this book is my favourite part. I remembered how he got back to his normal life and started everything again in a possitive way. He did not drank and he work reguarily, and he got closer to his ex-wife and his daughter again. He got a quite nice and peace life after that "day", he deeply belived that "day" was not a dream, it was his mom's spirit who came to help him out. At the final part, the story teller introduced herself at the last sentence, and she mentioned that she was the daughter from charley, that was surprised my i bit, and i kind like it.


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